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Martina stoessel vs Miley Cyrus

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Betania 01-03-2014 12:23

miley es la mejor
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MARIANGEL 08-02-2014 08:36

hola tini el mensaje que esta de primero es el mio copialo en el traductor, yo lo copie ay... : )
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Mariangel vote for my favorite martina etosse 02-02-2014 09:57

hi miley Cyrus really sure tini vote etossel not know that she is from Argentina, and you are united states or another country talves. yo soy de barinas, venezuela lo siento maily are you removed from the fame when you cut your hair now quisas nobody votes for you if you understand what I said I am from Venezuela, well I'm typing on google translator if your computer goes google .. Well if your dad left you this because acer is very wrong excuse me .. But you left hanna montana be more fame and also tapeworms do not luse when you sing songs regetoneras pure palm of your enpiesas give you hand on the tail. Sete only looks bad from here on venzuela we pray you come back to the way they please ..
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Daiana 15-01-2014 18:13

estoy con vos miley cruz es un hombre pero no tuve opcion y la vote martina es fea y tiene una negrura interna y externa jajajajaja
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Catilina 07-12-2013 06:56

non so se va vane no
son se nuva no son
se tacere o dirtelo ma
le co se che siento quie
dentro di me mi
fanno pensar che la more
e cosi ongi instante a
un non se che dim portante
vicino a te em mi senbra che
ttu to sia facile che ongi son
diveti ralte e la terra puo
essere il cielo
e vero
e vero
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